

2036 Uppsatser om Local Hero - Sida 1 av 136

Local Hero : En studie av deliberativ demokrati

När ungdomar startar verksamhet som temadagar och antidrogfestivaler för sin närhet och sina jämnåriga skapar de en tryggare miljö. Bara vetskapen om att jag som ung kan göra något åt det som jag tycker är viktigt att arbeta med, kan nog skapa en trygghet hos individen. Vi vet idag att med hjälp av rollspel lär sig ungdomar att förstå olika sociala spel och händelser i samhället. Genom värderingsövningar lär sig unga människor nya sätt att förstå sig själva men också sin närmiljö. Detta ger individen en starkare självkänsla men också en starkare grund att stå på då de arbetar med drogförebyggande arbete.

en kvalitativ analys av Göteborgs-Postens bevakning av ?Etiopiensvenskarna? ur ett dramaturgi-perspektiv

Title: Schibbye och Persson?s Journey: a qualitative analysis of Göteborgs-Posten?s coverage of ?etiopiensvenskarna? from a narrative perspective.Authors: Viktor Eriksson and Max SommersteinSubject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication (JMG) University of GothenburgTerm: Autumn 2013Supervisor: Mats Ekström, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPages: 35Purpose: To examine how the narrative-model the hero?s journey is represented within the Swedish newspaper Göteborgs-Posten?s articles on Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye, two Swedish journalists who were imprisoned while conducting journalism in Ethiopia.Method: A combination of Ethnographic content analysis (ECA) and Compositional Interpretation (image-analysis).Procedure: A strategic selection of articles published in the supplement Skenprocessen i Addis Abeba, in Göteborgs-Posten.Results: The narrative model the hero?s journey is clearly represented as cultural frames in Göteborgs-Posten?s articles about Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson. The framing of the events are used to simplify the facts and to make them emotionally accessible.

Sida vid sida för rättvisans skull : En studie av Sveriges främsta journalister på film ur ett genusperspektiv

The last ten years two major movies about journalists have been made in Sweden; Sprängaren and Män som hatar kvinnor. This study has looked closer at the heroine Annika Bengtsson and the hero Mikael Blomkvist from these two movies. Since movies do have great influence on how we see the world it is important to find out how these characters are being portrayed. Also, in a time when journalism is about to become a female dominant occupation it is relevant to see how the female journalist compares to the male. It is important to ensure that the films do not give a wrongful picture of male and female journalists.

Colombianer på bioduken : Representationen av tre Hollywoodproducerade actionfilmer

The purpose of the thesis was to analyse three action films; Collateral Damage from 2002; Clear and Present Danger from 1994; and Scarface from 1983, in order to see how Colombians are represented in these movies.The action genre comprises of different stereotypes where the hero and the villain are represented in conjunction to each other. The analysis is about the way the films content and form are used to uphold the representation of Colombians, but also the villain and the hero more generally.Critical Discourse Analysis was used, as main method, and the concepts of denotation and connotation guided the analysis. The main conclusion is that the three movies reproduced an already established collective stereotype of Latin Americans, stereotype that includes both Colombia and Colombians..

Balanced Scorecard inom kommunal verksamhet

Background: From the beginning of the 60´s until the beginning of the 80´s the swedish local government has expand enourmously. The expansion didn´t lead to any discussions about how the local government should be controlled or organized. The local government should instead be organized and controlled as administrations. Lately it has became more usual to have these discussions about how local government should be controlled and organized. Nowadys it´s not unusual that local governments imitate private companies.

Nykterhetsfrågan i Hedemora : vad gjordes och sades av politiker, IOGT och lokaltidningen i samband med folkomröstningen 1922

The aim of this essay is to see how the IOGT, local politicians and the local newspaper acted in the city of Hedemora in Sweden in connection with the referendum held in 1922 whether or not to ban the use of alcoholic beverages. To accomplish this I have examined protocols from local IOGT-groups, the town council and the local newspaper Södra Dalarnes tidning. I find that the local IOGT not only worked with the issue of alcohol but served as an institution that deepened democracy and education in the local community through discussions, study circles and applying pressure on local politicians. The locally elected bodies in turn were generally in favour of the good work the IOGT did, although not always overwhelmingly so. Many of the local politicians that handled the issues of alcohol were themselves active members in organisations promoting absolutism.

Lokal identitet på arbetsmarknaden

This thesis deals with local identity and the workplace. We have taken part of stories dealing with local identity and the workplace, by using a qualitative method. We interviewed eleven men working at the same company. The group contained of men from urban areas as well as rural areas. The data from our interviews have been applied to theories of local identity and social theories by sociologists such as Durkheim, Simmel and Tönnies.

Hur skapar jag ett spel där spelarens huvudsakliga sysselsättning är att måla? : Reflektioner kring arbetet med spelet ?Art Hero?

Det här arbetet behandlar frågan: ?Hur kan illusionen av att vara en skicklig renässansmålare förmedlas i ett spel och vad är en lämplig arbetsmetod för att uppnå detta?? Metoden jag använde för att ta reda på detta var att utveckla spelet Art Hero som låter spelaren måla en förenklad version av några av historiens mest kända verk. Knepet är dock att det inte är den förenklade versionen som träder fram under penseln utan originalverket. Den arbetsmetod jag utvärderade är något som jag kallar ?improviserande produktion?.

Kommunal självstyrelse - en myt? : En lokalhistorisk studie av Borgviks kommun 1861-1924

The hypothesis of this study is that the local government act in Sweden 1862 was an instrument for the state to keep its´ political influence on the local level. It did not open for local self-government. The swedish historians Dahlkvist and Strandberg description of the Swedish local government act support this hypothesis, as does the analysis of political scientists Pettersson and Söderlind. The general opinion that the local government act opened for local self-government does still exist among many swedish historians.This study had two aims. The first was to investigate the actual extent of self-government in Borgvik, a small municipality in Sweden during the period 1861-1924.

Lokalproducerad mat: en studie av dagligvarubutikers förhållningssätt till lokalproducerad mat

The purpose of this thesis is to give an understanding of how grocery stores relate to local foods. Through a case study representatives for two groceries in Norrbotten have been interviewed regarding why they supply local foods, how they try to influence customers to buy this, and how they decide upon the assortment of local foods. The result shows that groceries supply local foods in order to supply a wide range of products and to mediate social responsibility, in order to create customer loyalty. Concerning how the groceries try to influence customers to buy local foods the result cannot give any clear-cut view. Instead it shows that a grocery that actively works to influence customers to buy local foods markets them in specific ways, while the opposite applies to a grocery that does not actively work for this.

Koalitioner - ett kostsamt fenomen? : En studie koncentrerad till Sveriges kommuner

AbstractSince the 2006 election the country of Sweden is governed by four Liberal and Conservative parties. Parties that by cooperating maintain power in office and forms a so called coalition. A coalition that not only can be seen at the national but also at the local level. According to pervious research coalitions that holds control of the seats in the government at the national level tends to increase the total expenditures compared to other types of government formations. Can a similar connection be seen at the local level? This the fundamental issue of this essay.

Hållbar utveckling : Begreppets utveckling och användning på kommunal nivå

This thesis concerns how local governments use the concept sustainable development, and what the concept means. The concept of Agenda 21 and local Agenda 21 will also be discussed in this essay, because it's an instrument for local governments to specify their work towards sustainable development. I have interviewed civil servants in leading positions in the municipalities? work with environmental questions and sustainable development. In the choice of method for this thesis, I use the qualitative method and for the interviews I chose the ?semi structure way of interviewing?.This thesis shows that local governments? implementation of sustainable development and Agenda 21 differ between the municipalities.

Lokalhistoria : Intervjuundersökning med lärare i Kalmar och Vetlanda

This essay is about local history in history teaching in two cities; Kalmar and Vetlanda. The purpose was to see how teachers in Kalmar and Vetlanda define local history and what kind of local history they teach their students. I have also examined what benefits of didactics the teachers see in teaching local history. In order to find out I interviewed four history teachers at three schools in Kalmar and two history teachers at one school in Vetlanda. Some of the interviews were carried out over the telephone and the rest at the teachers´s schools.

Lokalhistoria i undervisningen : En analys av 6 gymnasielärarnas historiebruk och 4 gymnasieelevers historiemedvetande på några svenska gymnasieskolor.

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

Hallandspostens skildring av fotbollshuliganismen : En redogörelse mellan årtiondena 1970 till 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine if, how and why history teachers work with local history projects in education. The results will be analyzed based on a theory of the uses of history. I also investigate, through group interwiews with students, if and how students? historical consciousness may develop through teaching about local history. The result is a variation map of teachers? different uses of history and how students historical consciousness can manifest itself.The results of the study shows that all the teachers interviewed uses local history projects in education.

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